Ladies' Section
We are Yorkshire Ladies
Whether you are a committed, competitive lady bowler or just love to be involved in social bowling you will find a warm Yorkshire welcome amongst the Yorkshire Ladies.
Our two County teams (Northern Trophy and Stella Logan) play regularly on a Friday throughout the outdoor bowling season against Cumbria, Durham and Northumbria.
We also have friendly matches against other close counties such as Lancashire, and a few friendly inter-county matches amongst ladies from affiliated clubs in the County.
Our ladies have an annual luncheon and presentation of trophies which is a very good way to meet other lady bowlers.
In addition we hold an annual Spring and Autumn meeting to which lady bowlers from all County affiliated clubs are invited. This is another good way to find out what is going on in the County and to meet other lady bowlers.
If you just want help on club issues we have a very good support network regarding greens, fundraising, recruitment of members, club structure and running of clubs including safeguarding and disciplinary issues, etc.
For help or any enquiries (no such thing as a silly question!), please contact our Ladies' Secretary:
Hope to see you on the green.